Online payment methods. There are two options. Both methods will charge a convenience fee which is the greater of $2.00 or 2.75% of the total transaction.
DO NOT use online payment methods if you are paying after 4 pm on the 25th or if your service has already been disconnected. Call the office instead.
Paystar allows you to make a payment and enter your reading, however, due to the installation of the new meters it is no longer necessary to enter a reading. DO NOT ENTER A READING. Paystar will not show you what your account balance is. If you have a past due amount or are paying out a balance, you must add that to the amount that was calculated for water.
NextBillPay will not allow you to enter a reading. NextBillPay does show you your account balance. Your account balance will not be correct until we have entered the meter reading, added any additional fees, etc., and the system is updated at the end of each day. Normally, meter readings are entered on the first business day after the 1st of the month. If there is an issue with your meter reading, it may be a couple of days before your balance is updated. NextBillPay allows you to auto pay your account each month. However, if you activate auto pay, when it comes time to draft your account, it will draft the entire balance as shown. So, DO NOT USE auto pay if you have an agreement with us to pay out a large balance over time.
Board of Director Meetings are normally held the 1st Tuesday each month at the CBCWSC office, at 7 pm when daylight savings in in effect, and at 6 pm when it is not, normally.​
- The next scheduled monthly Board of Director Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
Public Meeting Notice January 7, 2025​​​
All Meetings are held at the CBCWSC office:
2822 Hwy 82 West, New Boston, TX (unless otherwise noted)​